Sense of Accomplishment: Being recognized for many different types of success, including hard work and being a good person.
The online environment makes it easier than ever to make sure that no opportunity to recognize accomplishment goes unnoticed. The design task for us is to carefully monitor the work that students and teachers are doing, and bring them to light across the network. This has implications for both our workflow processes as well as how we organize our technology environment, so that great messages don’t get lost in the “noise” coming from constant communications that flow across our screens. Unrecognized accomplishment is less likely to inform the community and create positive change. By celebrating ideas, actions and accomplishment we can build on our successes and create an environment that stimulates personal and community aspirations.
Links to each of the 8 Conditions: Belonging, Heroes, Sense of Accomplishment, Fun & Excitement, Curiosity & Creativity, Spirit of Adventure, Leadership & Responsibility, Confidence to take Action.