Learning to “play the changes” is important, both musically and TechTonically. To give you a “heads-up” on themes we’ll explore, here is an initial set list:
- Learning is Social (learning together in a blended model)
- Moving from “Me” to “It” to “Us” – Strategies for applying C-BAM (Concerns-Based Adoption Model)
- New Models for eLearning: Sessions, Roles and Levels
- Andragogy: Starting With Why
- Personalized Learning and TechTonic Shifts
- Common Corazón: Getting to the Heart of Learning
- TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) and TechTonics
- The ISTE NETS (National Educational Technology Standards) and You
We will use the full range of “real time” and “any time” digital communications and collaboration strategies (webinars, blogs, wikis, digital repositories and iBooks) to support this work.