Confidence to Take Action: Setting goals and taking the steps you need to reach them.
Online learning environments can embed processes that result in validated ePortfolios that can be incredibly powerful in building confidence among learners. Because it is possible to determine who has permission to see or to comment on any work that is submitted, students (and their teachers) can enjoy sheltered, private workspaces, where they can feel free to experiment, learn from mistakes, and perfect their product or craft, and then make their results public in a showcase area, for validation by peers or experts. Mentors and models can give us a helping hand as we develop our capacities; and in turn we can then share what we know and can do with others. Knowing that you have a plan have worked the plan, and have received feedback from “knowledgeable, respected others” is a proven way of developing confidence that can lead to effective action.
Links to each of the 8 Conditions: Belonging, Heroes, Sense of Accomplishment, Fun & Excitement, Curiosity & Creativity, Spirit of Adventure, Leadership & Responsibility, Confidence to take Action.